(symbol titled online single)
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mp3 file: stereo, 128kb/sec
download it (possible with any connection, click on link with right mouse button and choose 'save as...') streaming mp3 works only with a real highspeed connection, a free data highway, and with newer mp3-players! |
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this recording is a session
recording made with the most simple tools.
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see the page of former Single Of The Month: Revolution)
requirements for Real Audio: The software you need to play the
Real Audio file is the Real Audio Player or Real Media Player. The required
version is 3.0 or higher. The most recent versions are 5.0 and G2. This
player is a recommended Plug In for your Netscape Browser or Internet Browser
and is used all over the world to compress audio files. This is necessary
because an uncompressed file (that features better quality of cause) for
a 4:15 stereo song is about 45 MB. The Real Audio file in Mono only 0.5
MB. It would take you more than 3 hours to download the original file (and
only if no error occurs). A reduced RealAudio file depending on the
grade of the compression is sized only 260 KB to 2,4 MB. But it has to
be remarked that the size of the file determines the quality of the sound.
It reaches from about AM-quality to something near HIFI Stereo.
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some troubleshooting:
troubleshooting new: If Real Player G2 plays
all files from this server in the same bad sound: select: <options>
<preferences> <performance>
0) You downloaded the file and saved it but now you don't know what to do? Use your file-manager (i.e. Windows Explorer) and double click on the file. Now your Real Audio (or mp3) player should start and play the file. If not, your player has not been installed right or you don't have one. Your system should be configured that the file endings (*.ra) (*.mp3) should be associated with those players. In doubt download the latest versions and (re)install them. DOWNLOAD
1) weird data or only the text "http://www.onlovestar.com/..." is displayed by your browser? Check if RealAudio Player or (RealMedia Player) is installed at all. If yes, check your browsers (Netscape/Microsoft Internet Explorer) options/preferences: files with the extensions "*.ra", "*.ram", "*.rm" should be started/handeled by the RealAudio Player. The same for your mp3-Player (for example WinAmp) and the extension "*.mp3". If unsure, (re)install the players. 2) option 'Listen to...':
known Problem for Real Audio Player Version 3.0: Error 14 says something
like 'File not found'. Then please use the download option (the file is
there!) or update to a higher version of the Real Player as you should
have those problems more often.
3) option 'Listen to ...': It can happen Netscape (or the Internet-Explorer) does not start the RealAudio Player but offers to save the file to disk instead. Then you should save the file to disk with the extension "*.ra", "*.rm" or "*.ram" and start it from your Windows-Explorer. Another possibility is: Check on Options/Preferences of your browser, change file handling for those extensions from save to disk to open with RealAudio Player. 4) MP3: your browser has
downloaded the file and started an application. You receive the error message:
'file format not supported'. Then the browser usually has started the windows
internal media-player which does not support mp3. Then you will have to
change your browsers preferences: Go -edit-
-preferences-, search for (-Navigator-) -applications-
and search the entry for -mpeg audio- or similar with the file -extension
mp3- (usually mime type -audio x-mpeg-). Change -handled
by application- and select your mp3-player (for example the WinAmp).
You don't have a mp3-player? Click on help.
z) Any problems that are different? This service will only be improved by your help. Tell the problem and best give information on RealAudio version, browser version and operating system. mail here |