Teenage P.S. - onlovestar.com


Real Audio, smaller file, faster:
stream28.8 modem or faster download *click on link with right mouse button and select 'save link (file) as...'

Real Audio, bigger file, better sound:
streamISDN or   faster download *click on link with right mouse button and select 'save link (file) as...'

stream lo-fi version  =preview 
24kbps, 33.6 modem, ISDN, or faster
download regular mp3 version(128kbps)
*click on link with right mouse button 
and select 'save link (file) as...'

Teenage P.S. - onlovestar.com

The song has emerged during an archives search. 
In the near future some more of the found songs will be made available.
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