
A succession of 40 singles by
** institut für universelle zusammenhänge

have appeared on during recent years, beginning with 'On Love Star'.

This has been a real singles-concept: The songs have been individually exposed, with an individual webpage and design, appearing in a 'Single Of The Month'-Rhythm.
For collectors, individually designed CD's with varnished surface have been available as well.

Below you find some picks that might help those who visit the site the first time to get some idea about it.

Others may also take a view in the
> single of the month complete list
It is a good idea to browse through the classic first ten singles.

(most links will open in a new window)
Downloads are free for private and DJ purposes.
(all rights remain reserved)

Because of financial problems and of different concepts targeted the series is currently not continued on a monthly basis.
To become informed of new singles appearing leave your email address here to receive notification by mail.